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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Chinese New Year Songs+ Lyrics meaning

Hi families,

Here are the songs we are practicing in class. Please check them out, and practice at home :)

Green group CNY performance song:

Yellow group CNY performance song:
CNY finale song

Green group song lyrics: (I am teaching the kids about one of the most important Chinese Virtue-Respecting and showing appreciation/gratitude to our parents and respect elderly)

lyrics without meaning

Yellow group song lyrics: (This song is about  friendship and reunion, the joy of being together )

this song's lyric meaning is in the video above.

Finale song (all the students in the Mandarin classes will sing this song at the end of our show)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dec. 9- 13 Learning Updates

Hi families,

9 school days till Christmas break! J We will continue working on topics from last week.


December 19th is a half-day. Early dismissal @ 12:05pm.
December 20th, NO school for students.

Fun-Lunch is this coming Thursday, December 12th.

Chinese New Year Celebration is on Jan 23 @ 6:30 pm. We are starting to learn about our Chinese New Year performance songs this month.

This week (Dec.9-13)

This week, we will continue to learn our CNY performance and finale songs.
Green group CNY performance song:
Yellow group CNY performance song:
CNY finale song

Grade 1s are continuing learning about color words, how to print them correctly, how to use them in various conversations, how to express their preference of colors. We will practice using sentence starters “I like….” “I do not like….”to make sentences.
Grade 2s are continuing learning about colors and common fruits. They are going to learn how to describe a fruit using color words and using descriptive size words (big, small, medium, round). Then, we will practice using sentence starters “I like…”, “I don’t like…” to make juicy sentences.

Sentences we are reviewing and continue learning:
1)-()(jiā)(yǒu)()()(rén)?(How many people in your family?
    -()(jiā)(yǒu)______()(rén) I have _____people in my family.

2) –()()(huan) (shén)(me)()(jié) What season do you like?
- ()()(huan)________。(I like…..

3) New sentence of the week:
-(zhè)(shì)/()(shì)(shén)(me)(yán)()(What color is this?)
-(zhè)(shì)()(shì)_________(This/that is________)
-()()(huan)__________(I like ________)
-()()()(huan)_________(I do not like______)

Vocabularies we are reviewing and continue learning:
(jiā)family() you()I, me喜欢(xǐhuan)like(qiū)fall
(dōng)winter ()(jié)season()and(yǒu)(have) (shì)(am/is/are)

New vocabularies of the week:
(hóng)()(red) 黄色(huángsè) (yellow) (lán)() (blue) 绿()()(green) 喜欢(xǐhuan)(like) () (no/not) (píng)(guǒ)(apple) (xiāng)(jiāo)(banana) (hēi)()(black) (bái)()(white)

Grade 1: This week, grade 1s will continue learning about balance (equal sign=), comparison between two objects (greater than >, smaller than <). 

We will also review number representation (using ten frames, base ten blocks and tally marks) and one more/one less, two more/two less a number.  

Grade 2: Grade 2s will be learning about measurement after winter break.

This week, we will be learning about using base ten blocks to represent two-digit number. And continue working on comparing two object using math symbols (=, <, >).


Grade 1s will be working on seasonal change, we will look at cycles and sequence in our daily life, we will look at season cycle, day & night cycle.

Grade 2s will be looking at the differences between “float” and “sink” they will also be starting to brainstorm ideas about building their boat.

Pictures of curling week

Hi Grade 1 & 2 friends and families, Here are some pictures I took during our curling residency week! We learned so much about curling...