Kindergarten Learning resources 幼儿园学习资料

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pictures from this week (Nov.4- 8)

Hi Grade 1/2 friends and parents,

Many exciting things happened in Midnapore school this week. Here are some pictures of what we did.

Starting November, in gym class, we are learning all about basketball, we have learnt how to dribble the ball, bounce pass the ball to a friend, chest pass the ball to a friend.

On Monday & Tuesday, in Math, we started looking at how to use number-line to improve our number sense and addition skills. 

Grade 1s are working on using number-line to solve one digit addition, and filling in the missing numbers on a 20 number chart. 

Grade 2s are working on using number-line to solve two digits addition questions, and fill in the missing numbers on a 100 chart.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, in Science,

Grade 1s had a 5-sense exploration time around our classroom, they drew things they see, smell, touch, hear, NOT taste in the classroom. Then we started our smelling experiment, I brought vinegar, soap water and mouth wash for students to smell. They were asked to make predictions/hypothesis first and then I would tell them what they really smelled.

Grade 2s are learning all about thermometer and temperature, students are now able to read a thermometer, identify if the thermometer is showing high/low temperature. We also checked temperature in different areas around the school.

On Thursday, in gym, we reviewed some frisbee skills we learnt from Frisbee Rob.

On Friday, in the morning, we had our buddies (from Grade 3 Mandarin classes)  came to work with us. We made 2 beautiful Remembrance day wreaths. We also had a wonderful Remembrance day Assembly.


Reminders: There is no school on Monday. 

Hope you all have an amazing long weekend. See you on Tuesday 😊

Don't forget to check our Learning updates for the week of Nov.12th (I will post it before Monday)  

Thank you,
Ms. Fan

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Mandarin Flashcards are coming home on Thursday 中文字卡

Hi Families,

Over the last few weeks, I have been working hard and putting together sets of flashcards for our students. In every set, there are words from previous learning activities, there are also new word that we are going to be learning in the coming weeks. After the winter break, I will start adding more words to the flashcard sets.

How to use the flashcards?

Parents are encouraged to use these flashcards to work with your child. There are many ways you can work with them, you do not need to go through the entire set every week, but I recommend pick 5-15 words to work throughout the week.

When you are working with your child using the flashcards, please make sure:

1) They can recognize the characters (tell you the meaning)

2) They can make the correct pronunciation 

The flashcards will be in a Ziploc bag (Stapled in our Mandarin homework Duotang), you can keep the flashcards at home or bring it back with the homework duotang every week.

Thank you so much! Hope these flashcards will be helpful for your child’s learning. And let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

Thank you,
Ms. Fan

Pictures of curling week

Hi Grade 1 & 2 friends and families, Here are some pictures I took during our curling residency week! We learned so much about curling...