Kindergarten Learning resources 幼儿园学习资料

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Learning Updates for Oct.28-Nov.1 十月二十八日至十一月一日

 Hi kindergarten friends and families,

This week, we had so much fun celebrating Halloween and Hope you have an awesome weekend! 这周我们开心的庆祝了万圣节,祝大家周末愉快!

Important Reminders重要提醒:

  1. No school on Friday, Nov. 8 下周五是不上课!
  2. Skate Residency 轮滑课 All students will have multiple opportunities to participate in this residency during the designated Physical Education class. Skates and helmets will be provided by our residency, but you are able to bring your own helmet if you wish to.  If you would like to volunteer and have your police clearance, please contact me or sign up ( please click the link below)所有学生将在指定的体育课时间有多次机会参加本次的轮滑班。我们会为学生提供滑冰鞋和头盔,如果您愿意,也可以自带头盔。如果您有意愿参与志愿活动并且已经完成了无犯罪记录证明,请联系我或者通过以下链接报名。
  3. Veterans Food Bank Drive 退伍军人食品银行募捐  Until November 22, the Grade 2 Team is collecting new, unopened non-perishable food and home care items for the Veteran Food Bank of Alberta. Donation boxes are at the front of the school. Suggested items include canned meats, coffee, flour, pasta, rice, juice boxes, body wash, and all-purpose cleaner.Thank you for supporting our veterans and first responders! 从现在到1122日,我们二年级班级会为阿尔伯塔退伍军人食品银行收集捐赠,欢迎大家带来未开封的非易腐食品和日常家居用品,学校前门有捐赠箱。推荐物品:罐头肉、咖啡、面粉、意面、大米、果汁盒、沐浴露、清洁剂等等。感谢大家对退伍军人和一线工作人员的支持!

This week (Oct.28-Nov.1) 本周学了什么


  • We learned to say “What’s your name? My name is…” in Mandarin (你叫什么名字?我叫。。。)
  • We learned to print Chinese number 9 九 and 10 十!
  • We read a book about animals introducing themselves in Mandarin
  • We continue to recognize and order number 6-10 in Mandarin, we played a few games about it! (六,七,八,九,十)

English 英文

Math数学 & Science 科学

  • We continue to practice making patterns, we made a Halloween pattern art with paint and sponges.
  • We continue to practice counting 1-10 and 10-1 every day and recognizing numbers from 1-10.
  • We had a science experiment and used baking soda and colorful vinegar to paint our Halloween pumpkins, we even added some googly eyes 👀
  • We talked about one of the seven sacred teaching- brave and discussed about when do we feel brave?

Have fun learning! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 😊

Ms.Fan 凡老师

Pictures of curling week

Hi Grade 1 & 2 friends and families, Here are some pictures I took during our curling residency week! We learned so much about curling...