Kindergarten Learning resources 幼儿园学习资料

Friday, March 7, 2025

Learning Updates for Mar.3-7 三月三日至七日

 Dear Kindergarten Families and Friends, 

This week, we continued learning letter names and sounds. Students also completed their Mandarin book on "Me" and had fun practicing how to read it. We will share a video of your child reading their book during our upcoming parent-teacher interviews. 

We have now started a new Mandarin book titled "This is My Family." Throughout this learning journey, students will identify and read key family member names in Mandarin. 

Additionally, we continued reading books about kindness, helping students learn how to demonstrate kindness in our classroom and throughout the school community.  





Important Reminders重要提醒: 

  • Monday/Wednesday class have school on Friday, Mar.14 周一/周三班下周五上课。 

  • Spring photo is on Monday, Mar.17 and Tuesday, Mar.18. 春季拍照日是三月17日和18日。 

  • Parent-teacher conference will be held on March 20th and 21st, I will send a separate email this week for instruction. Our conference will be online. 三月20日和21日是家长会, 我会再单独发一封邮件给大家解释本次的家长会 

  • Spring Break begins on March 21. The first day back to school will be March 31. 春假是三月21日,一直放假到三月31日 

Suggested Home Practice 请在家里和孩子一起做: 

  1. Practice letters and sounds  

  1. Read and write 0-10 in Mandarin 

  1. Practice printing the numerals 0-10 

  1. Count every day. In class, we are practicing 1-100 

  1. Please read to your child every day. 

  1. Practice saying family members in Mandarin   

This week (March. 3-7) 本周学了什么: 


English 英文: 

Math数学 & Others其他 

Pictures of curling week

Hi Grade 1 & 2 friends and families, Here are some pictures I took during our curling residency week! We learned so much about curling...