Hi kindergarten friends and families,
This week was very busy and fun! We learned that everyone is special in their own way, just like the elephant Elmer! Hope you have an awesome weekend! 这周我们学习了每个小朋友都是不一样的,每个人都是很特别的,都有不同的闪光点。祝大家周末愉快!
Important Reminders重要提醒:
1) Monday/Wednesday class have school on Friday, Nov. 1 下周五是周一/周三班上课!
2) Skate Residency 轮滑课(VOLUNTEER NEEED 需要家长志愿者)All students will have multiple opportunities to participate in this residency during the designated Physical Education class. Skates and helmets will be provided by our residency, but you are able to bring your own helmet if you wish to. If you would like to volunteer and have your police clearance, please contact me or sign up ( please click the link below)所有学生将在指定的体育课时间有多次机会参加本次的轮滑班。我们会为学生提供滑冰鞋和头盔,如果您愿意,也可以自带头盔。如果您有意愿参与志愿活动并且已经完成了无犯罪记录证明,请联系我或者通过以下链接报名。 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdY5IRBz5kSxpxMZLn8NzUe-LV3m0K_MQT3Im1ettQ0/edit?usp=sharing
3) Halloween Dance 万圣节跳舞活动: We are having our upcoming Halloween celebration this Thursday afternoon and Friday morning to support our Grade 6 students as a fundraiser for their end-of-year camp. Donations of $2 are appreciated but not required. We'll be offering popcorn as a fun snack, so no need to send treats. Please log in to Healthy Hunger to order. Students are welcome to wear costumes, though we discourage costumes with masks for safety during activities. Costumes should be brought in a bag, and students will have time to dress up. 我们将在本周四下午和周五早上举办万圣节庆祝活动,以帮助六年级学生为他们的年度露营活动筹款。欢迎捐赠2加元(不强制捐款)。活动中我们会提供爆米花作为零食,因此不需要额外带零食。请登录Healthy Hunger平台来为孩子预订爆米花。学生们可以穿上万圣节服装,但为了安全,我们不建议佩戴面具。服装请装在袋子里,学生将有时间换装。
4) Great Pumpkin Event 雕刻南瓜活动
It is time once again for THE GREAT PUMPKIN EVENT at Midnapore School! Families are invited to carve pumpkins at home and bring them into the school on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. The school community will vote on their favorites for prizes and bragging rights. We hope to see your creativity come through this year! Midnapore学校一年一度的南瓜活动又来了!我们邀请各位学生和家人一起在家里动手雕刻南瓜,并在下周二和周三带到学校展示。大家会投票选出自己最喜欢的作品,获奖的学生会拿到奖品,还有在学校里展示的机会!期待看到大家的创意作品!
This week (Oct.21-24) 本周学了什么:
We learned to say “My name is…” in Mandarin (我叫。。。)
We learned to print Chinese number 7七 and 8 八!
We continue to recognize and order number 6-10 in Mandarin, we played a few games about it! (六,七,八,九,十)
3) What's your name song 你叫什么名字歌
English 英文:
- This week, we learned to print lowercase p and f
- We continue to practice blending sounds & segmenting a word, for example: a-t---at, c-a-t----cat, m-a-p---map
- We read two fun books: one called Don't Hug Doug, which taught us about the importance of asking for consent before hugging or touching others, and another called Elmer the Elephant, which focused on celebrating how each of us is unique and special in our own way. We should be happy with who we are!
Math数学 & Science 科学
We continue to practice making patterns, we worked on ABAB pattern.
We continue to practice counting 1-10 and 10-1 every day and recognizing numbers from 1-10.
We talked about fall and discussed the differences between summer and fall. What changes do we notice? (leaves, colder weather, wearing jackets, etc.)
Have fun learning! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 😊
Ms.Fan 凡老师