Starting from today, I will post one fun & easy indoor activities/exercise every weekday. Please let me know if those exercise/activities work for you. Have fun & stay active!! ❤️
I have some workouts posted in the last post too, please go check that out too!
April 20
Hide and seek animal version: Hide one object around your house, make it more active by having the object hide on different levels of your house every time, that way, your child can go up and down stairs every few minutes. Or set a 8-10 minutes timer for them to find the object, if they can not find it within the time, they will perform a "penalty" that include exercises like: Jumping jacks, sit-ups, or push-ups, or even plank (we did plank in class multiple times)
Challenge: Every time they go to find their object, they need to pretend they are an animal and walk around the room like that animal.
April 21
Penguin Waddle: Place a balloon between your child’s knees and have them waddle across the room without dropping it. Make it more challenging for older kids by having them go around a few obstacles. If they drop it, they have to go back to the start.
For multiple kids, have them play as a team with the balloon placed between their hips. Once they get the hang of it, get out your timer to see how fast they can do it.
April 22
Tape Lines: Make 5–10 separate lines of tape, each about a foot apart, on your floor or carpet. Label the first one the “start” line and then give your kids simple instructions:
- Long Jump: See how many lines they can jump over. Have them try and beat their best score each time. Experiment with arm swinging vs. arms behind their backs.
- Run ‘n’ Jump: Now let them take a running start and see if they can jump even further!
- Long Jump Backwards: Increase the difficulty by performing the tasks jumping backwards.
- Hop: How far can they jump on one leg?
- Reach ‘n’ Stretch: How far can their leg reach with one foot on the “start” line?
April 23
Balloon Blow: Set up a “course” and see if your child can blow a balloon all the way to the finish line. They’ll have to do lots of army crawls working their upper body and core strength along the way.
April 28
Pretending you are a seal for 10 minutes: moving around your home like a seal, clap like a seal, make noises like a seal, eat like a seal 😊
April 29
Gorilla Shuffle for 5 minutes(3 times throughout the day): Sink low to a sumo squat, with both arms hanging on the floor, shuffle around the room. It works as a spontaneous movement break for your child.
April 30
Cheetah Run: Run in place as fast as you can for one minute, or run around your house, and see how long it will take your child to run around the house (time them 3 times throughout the day)
May 4
Name workout!
May 5
Pretending to be a Iguana 美洲蜥蜴, Pretending to be an Iguana for 20-30 minutes of the time, move like an iguana, eat like an iguana, nap like an iguana, lay like an iguana.
May 6
Mini exercise circuit 迷你运动, 5 minutes per circuit, do each circuit twice! 每组运动5分钟,尽量每组运动做两次
May 11
Make a song together, use containers, pots/pans as instrument and make songs with your child. If they have siblings that can play with them, maybe make a small family orchestra. Students can work on design their own patterned songs.
May 15
Go for an AWE walk, practice showing gratitude to things around you, going for a walk, noticing 5 things you see, 5 things you can feel with your hands, 3 things you smell and 3 things you hear.
Balloon Foot Balance: For a real challenge, have your kids lie on the ground with their legs up in the air and try and balance the balloon on their feet. It’s not an easy task and requires a lot of concentration. It’s also a great core workout!
May 25
Freeze dance party:
May 28
Animal workout:
Try this
Have fun!!
April 28
Pretending you are a seal for 10 minutes: moving around your home like a seal, clap like a seal, make noises like a seal, eat like a seal 😊
April 29
Gorilla Shuffle for 5 minutes(3 times throughout the day): Sink low to a sumo squat, with both arms hanging on the floor, shuffle around the room. It works as a spontaneous movement break for your child.
April 30
Cheetah Run: Run in place as fast as you can for one minute, or run around your house, and see how long it will take your child to run around the house (time them 3 times throughout the day)
May 4
Name workout!
May 5
Pretending to be a Iguana 美洲蜥蜴, Pretending to be an Iguana for 20-30 minutes of the time, move like an iguana, eat like an iguana, nap like an iguana, lay like an iguana.
May 6
Mini exercise circuit 迷你运动, 5 minutes per circuit, do each circuit twice! 每组运动5分钟,尽量每组运动做两次
Circuit 1: 第一组 (5 minutes, repeat all again if finish before 5minutes 5分钟做完,如提早做完本组运动,可以从头开始直到时间结束)
-walk like a bear for count to 7 in Mandarin 像熊一样走路(四肢着地)用中文数到7
-hop like a frog 8 times 青蛙跳8次
-run to the nearest door and run back 跑向离自己最近的门,再跑回来
-walk like a crab for a count to 10 in Mandarin 像螃蟹一样走路,用中文数到10
-mountain climber for 15 seconds 登山者运动 (登山者姿势,四肢着地,原地跑15秒)
Circuit 2: 第二组 (5 minutes, repeat all again if finish before 5minutes)
-Spider man crawl from one side of the room to the other side (蜘蛛侠爬行,假装自己是蜘蛛侠,从房间一边爬到另一边)
-balance on left foot for 10 seconds-count in Mandarin (左脚单脚平衡 10秒,用中文数到十)
-balance on right foot for 15 seconds- count in Mandarin (右脚单脚平衡 15秒,用中文数到十)
-flap your arm like a bird for 25 seconds (count by 5s) (像鸟一样展翅,拍动翅膀 25秒,可以挑战从5开始跳着数,5, 10,15, 20, 25)
-kangaroo jump up and down 10 times (袋鼠跳,跳上跳下10下)
May 13
Building an indoor obstacle course,
Here are a few ideas to get you started on building an indoor obstacle course with your kids:
- Crawl under or over a row of chairs/bed sheets
- Crawl under a string stretched between two chair legs.
- Jump into and out of a Hula-Hoop five times.
- Walk on a balance board.
- Throw a beanbag/stuffie into a laundry basket.
- Run while balancing a stuffie on your head.
- Do a handstand.
- Skip in place while making an animal noise.
- Do ten jumping jacks.
May 15
Go for an AWE walk, practice showing gratitude to things around you, going for a walk, noticing 5 things you see, 5 things you can feel with your hands, 3 things you smell and 3 things you hear.
May 21
May 25
Freeze dance party:
May 28
Animal workout:
Try this
Have fun!!