Kindergarten Learning resources 幼儿园学习资料

Friday, February 7, 2025

Learning Updates for Feb.3-7 二月三日至七日

 Ms. Fan's Weekly Message (Feb.3-7) 凡老师每周信息 

Dear Kindergarten Families and Friends, 

This week was filled with exciting learning experiences! We had the wonderful opportunity to meet Ms. Chantel and explore Indigenous ways of living. The children got to see, touch, and smell sweetgrass and cedar, deepening their connection to the land. 

We also had a special visit from our Grade 2 buddies in Ms. Wang’s class! They helped us create adorable Valentine’s Day crafts, making our time together even more fun and meaningful. 

Meet Mr.He 认识何老师:You might have already heard from your child that we have an extra teacher in our room! We are excited to welcome Mr. He (何老师), my student teacher from the University of Calgary. Starting the week of Feb. 18, he will be joining our class to learn, observe, and teach. When he begins leading lessons, I will be there to support him and ensure our learning remains engaging and meaningful. With an extra adult in our classroom, we’ll have more opportunities for personalized learning, such as small-group reading, one-on-one Mandarin practice, and more! He will be with us until the end of April, and I’ll be sharing more details about him with you next week. 

Next week will be a short but love-filled week! 

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!  


这个星期我们收获满满,学到了很多有趣的知识!我们有机会和 Chantel 老师见面,了解了原住民的生活方式。孩子们亲手摸了摸、闻了闻甜草和雪松,感受大自然的美好。 


认识何老师!您可能已经从孩子那里听说,我们班上有一位新老师!我们很开心欢迎何老师 (Mr. He) 加入我们的课堂,他是来自卡尔加里大学的实习老师,从 2 月 18 日 开始,他会和我们一起学习、观摩,并慢慢开始教学。当他正式开始在我们班上课时,我会在旁边支持他,确保孩子们的学习依然有趣又有收获。多了一位老师在班里,我们可以做更多 个性化学习,比如小组阅读、一对一的普通话练习等等! 




Important Reminders重要提醒: 

1) No School February 13 - 17 (Teacher’s Convention and Family Day long weekend)  

2) Valentine’s Day Celebration 情人节庆祝活动: 

Monday/Wednesday class 一/三班:We will be celebrating on Wednesday, February 12, we have 14 students in our class.  

Tuesday/Thursday class 二/四班: We will be celebrating on Tuesday, February 11, we have 16 students in our class. 

We will be exchanging Valentine Cards at school. Your child may bring: 

✅ Valentine Cards (for everyone in the class, not just a select group) - homemade or store bought  

✅ Small Gifts (pencil, eraser, sticker, etc.) if you would like  

❌ Please do not send your children with candy, chocolate, or anything edible to give to other students. Any edible items will not be distributed.   

Please have your child sign their name on the cards (this is great practice printing their name) but leave the “to” section blank. 

3) We did not have library this week due to our Cree8 Residency. We will have time for a book exchange next week. 我们这周因为有原住民活动,所以没有图书馆,下周恢复图书馆时间。 

This week (Feb.3-7) 本周学了什么:  Please click the link below 请点击下面的链接


English 英文: 

Math数学 & Science科学:


Have fun learning! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 😊 

Ms.Fan 凡老师 

Pictures of curling week

Hi Grade 1 & 2 friends and families, Here are some pictures I took during our curling residency week! We learned so much about curling...