Summer Learning 暑期学习资料

Online Learning Resources 学习资源

Homework and Dictation 作业和听写

Homework and Dictation 作业和听写

-Send home every Thursday.
-Hand in (Due) by every Tuesday.
Mar.12 Gr.1 Homework   (Please do dictation at home)

GR 1 Dictation words: (I) (you) de(my) de(your) zhèshì(this is) (degree) yǒu(have/has) Audio for Gr1 dictation

Words grade1s are learning this month:  Audio: Grade 1 words for March
(where)  li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China)  ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Pinyin: 4 tonesā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü  (ai, ei, iu)
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh 

ch  sh  r  z  c  s

Mar.12 Gr.2 Homework  

GR 2 Dictation words:  Audio for Gr2 dictation

shì(that is) (degree) wēn(temperature) língxiàminus…degree
jīn tiān shì líng xià (Today’s temperature is minus 8 degrees.)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio:Grade 2 March words

(where)  li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China)  ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
 (French)péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh  ch  sh  r  z  c  s
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Audio: Grade 2 pinyin


Mar.12 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:  (I) (you) de(my) de(your) zhèshì(this is) yǒu(have/has)  Audio for dictation

Words grade1s are learning this month:  Audio: Grade 1 words for March
(where)  li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China)  ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Pinyin: 4 tonesā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü  (ai, ei, iu)
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh 
ch  sh  r  z  c  s

Mar.12 Gr.2 Homework  

GR 2 Dictation words:  Audio for dictation words

zhèshì(this is) shì(that is) jiā(home/family) tiān(weather) zhōngwén(Mandarin)

de péng yǒu lái zhōng guó(My friend comes from China.)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio:Grade 2 March words

(where)  li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China)  ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
 (French)péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh  ch  sh  r  z  c  s
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Audio: Grade 2 pinyin


Mar.6 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:  Audio: Grade 1 dictation
(I) (he) (you) shì(am/is/are) shuō(speak) (degree) (and)   

Words grade1s are learning this month:  Audio: Grade 1 words for March
(where) li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China) ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Pinyin: 4 tones: ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü  (ai, ei, iu)
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh 
ch  sh  r  z  c  s

Audio: Grade one Pinyin

Mar.6 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 2 Dictation words: Audio: Gr2 Dictation

shì(am/is/are) shuō(speak) tiān(weather) (degree) zhōngwén(Mandarin)
láijiā(You come from Canada.)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio:Grade 2 March words

(where) li(where) lái(come from) jiā(Canada) měi guó(America)
zhōng guó (China) ěr jiā (Calgary) yīng (English) zhōng wén(Mandarin)
(French)péng yǒu(friend) hǎo péng yǒu(good friends/best friends)
tiān(weather) wēn(temperature) (degree) xiě(write) shuō(speak) (go)

Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h  j  q  x  zh  ch  sh  r  z  c  s
Compound vowels we are learning this weekai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Audio: Grade 2 pinyin

Feb.27 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:  Audio for GR1 dictation

(I) (he) (you) shì(am/is/are) huan(like) (and) yǒu(have/has)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 luóbo🥕(carrot) 西lánhuā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fānqié🍅(tomato) niúnǎi🥛(milk) guǒzhī🍹(juice)
sān明治míngzhì(sandwich) (drink) fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā(salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuánde(round items)
chángde(long items) de(big items) xiǎode(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin: 4 tones:  Audio for pinyin
ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h j q x zh ch sh Audio for new pinyin

Feb.27 Gr.2 Homework  

GR 2 Dictation words:  Audio for GR2 dictation
(drink) yǒu(have/has) chī(eat) de(her) de(his) de(my) de(your)
dehuan niú nǎi(Your brother does not like to drink milk.)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 luóbo🥕(carrot) 西lánhuā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fānqié🍅(tomato) niúnǎi🥛(milk) guǒzhī🍹(juice)
sān明治míngzhì(sandwich) (drink) fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā(salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuánde(round items)
chángde(long items) de(big items) xiǎode(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h j q x zh ch sh Audio: pinyin consonants
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu  Audio for compound vowels


Feb.20 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:(I) (he) (she) ài(love) huan(like) (pieces) yǒu(have/has)   Audio for dictation words

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 胡luóbo🥕(carrot) 西lánhuā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fānqié🍅(tomato) niúnǎi🥛(milk) guǒzhī🍹(juice)
sān明治míngzhì(sandwich) (drink) fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā(salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuánde(round items)
chángde(long items) de(big items) xiǎode(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin: 4 tones:  Audio for pinyin
ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h j q x

Feb.20 Gr.2 Homework 

GR 2 Dictation words & sentence:  Audio for Dictation words
(drink) zhèng fāng xíng(square) zhǎng fāng xíng (rectangle) yǒu(have/has)

huan  suān suān tián tián deguǒzhī(She likes to drink sour and sweet juice.)

Words grade2s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 luó bo🥕(carrot) 西 lán huā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fān qié🍅(tomato) niú nǎi🥛(milk) guǒ zhī🍹(juice)
sān míng zhì(sandwich) (drink)  fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā (salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuán de(round items)  suān de(sour)
tián de(sweet) cháng de(long items)  de(big items) xiǎo de(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü    Audio for pinyin
Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h j q x
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Feb.12 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:(I) (he) (she) yuán de(round/circle) ài(love) (drink) (pieces) Audio Dictation for grade 1

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 胡luóbo🥕(carrot) 西lánhuā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fānqié🍅(tomato) niúnǎi🥛(milk) guǒzhī🍹(juice)
sān明治míngzhì(sandwich) (drink) fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā(salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuánde(round items)
chángde(long items) de(big items) xiǎode(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin: 4 tones:  Audio for pinyin
ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h 

Feb.12 Gr.2 Homework 

GR 2 Dictation words: 
yuán xíng (square shape) zhèng fāng xíng(square) zhǎng fāng xíng (rectangle)
() (men)(we, us) () (men)(you, plural)(cháng)(long) (duō) (zhī)(juicy) Audio for dictation for grade 2

Words grade2s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 luó bo🥕(carrot) 西 lán huā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fān qié🍅(tomato) niú nǎi🥛(milk) guǒ zhī🍹(juice)
sān míng zhì(sandwich) (drink)  fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā (salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuán de(round items)  suān de(sour)
tián de(sweet) cháng de(long items)  de(big items) xiǎo de(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü    Audio for pinyin
Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Feb.6 Gr.1 Homework  

GR 1 Dictation words:(I) (you) (he) (she) chī(eat) huan(like) Audio for dictation words

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 胡luóbo🥕(carrot) 西lánhuā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fānqié🍅(tomato) niúnǎi🥛(milk) guǒzhī🍹(juice)
sān明治míngzhì(sandwich) (drink) fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā(salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuánde(round items)
chángde(long items) de(big items) xiǎode(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin: 4 tones:  Audio for pinyin
ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l  g  k  h 

Feb.6 Gr.2 Homework 

GR 2 Dictation words: Audio for dictation
tián(sweet) yīnwéi(because) yuán(round) cháng(long) suān(sour)

  huan chī yòu tián yòu duōzhī de cǎo méi。 (duōzhī juicy

Words grade2s are learning this month: Audio for words of the month
 luó bo🥕(carrot) 西 lán huā(broccoli)  西hóngshì/fān qié🍅(tomato) niú nǎi🥛(milk) guǒ zhī🍹(juice)
sān míng zhì(sandwich) (drink)  fàn(rice) miàn tiáo(noodles) shā (salad) miàn bāo(bread)
 huan chī(like to eat) àichī(love to eat) (he) (she) yuán de(round items)  suān de(sour)
tián de(sweet) cháng de(long items)  de(big items) xiǎo de(small items) yuán xíng(round shape)

Pinyin Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü    Audio for pinyin
Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h
Compound vowels we are learning this week:  ai  ei  ui  ao  ou  iu

Jan.31 Gr.1 Homework 

GR 1 Dictation words: (I) (you) (and) chī(eat) (no/not) huan(like)    Audio

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words

(píng) (guǒ)🍎(apple) (xiāng) (jiāo)🍌(banana) ()🍐(pear) ()(zi)/(chéng)(zi)🍊(orange) (méi)(berry)
(cǎo)(méi)🍓(strawberry) (lán)(méi)(blueberry)(táo)(zi)🍑(peach) ()(táo)🍇(grapes) (máng)(guǒ)mango
(jiǎo)(zi)(dumplings) ()(fàn)🍚(rice) (miàn)(tiáo)(noodles) (miàn)(bāo)🍞(bread) (ài)(love)
Pinyin: 4 tones:
ā  á  ǎ  à,    ō  ó  ǒ  ò,    ē  é  ě  è,   ī  í  ǐ  ì,   ū  ú  ǔ  ù  Audio for pinyin
Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü
Consonants we are learning this week:  b   p   m   f   d   t   n   l

Jan.31 Gr.2 Homework (Audio will be up soon)

GR 2 Dictation words:  Audio
()(no/not) (tián)(sweet) (yīn)(wéi)(because) (chī)(eat) (yuán)(round)

() () (huan) (chī) (yòu) () (yòu) (yuán) (de) 西()(guā)(He likes to eat big and round watermelon.)

Words grade2s are learning this month: Audio for this month's words
(píng) (guǒ)🍎(apple) (xiāng) (jiāo)🍌(banana) ()🍐(pear) ()(zi)/(chéng)(zi)🍊(orange) (méi)(berry)  
(cǎo)(méi)🍓(strawberry) (lán)(méi)(blueberry) 西()(guā)🍉(watermelon) (táo)(zi)🍑(peach) ()(táo)🍇(grapes)
(máng)(guǒ)(mango) (yīng)(táo)🍒(cherry) (jiǎo)(zi)(dumplings) ()(fàn)🍚(rice) (miàn)(tiáo)(noodles) (tāng)(soup)
(miàn)(bāo)🍞(bread) (sān)(míng)(zhì)(sandwich) (tián)(sweet) (suān)(sour) ()(huan)(like) (ài)(love)

Pinyin Vowels:   a    o    e     i     u     ü     Audio for pinyin
Consonants we are reviewing this week:  b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k  h
Compound vowels we are learning this weekai  ei  ui  

Jan.16 Gr.1 Homework

GR 1 Dictation words: Audio for dictation words
Must know (必会): ()(de)(my) ()(de)(your) (hǎo)(good) ()(and) (chī)(eat)

Challenge words(挑战字词): ()(huan)(like) (ài)(love)

Words grade1s are learning this month: Audio for words

(píng) (guǒ)🍎(apple) (xiāng) (jiāo)🍌(banana) ()🍐(pear) ()(zi)/(chéng)(zi)🍊(orange)
(méi)(berry) (cǎo)(méi)🍓(strawberry) (lán)(méi)(blueberry)
(táo)(zi)🍑(peach) ()(táo)🍇(grapes) (máng)(guǒ)🥭(mango)
(jiǎo)(zi)🥟(dumplings) ()(fàn)🍚(rice) (miàn)(tiáo)(noodles) (miàn)(bāo)🍞(bread)
Pinyin: 4 tones: ā  á  ǎ  à,  ō  ó  ǒ  ò,  ē  é  ě  è

Jan.16 Gr.2 Homework

GR 2 Dictation words and sentence: Audio for dictation words
()(and) (chī)(eat) (yòu)(also) ()()(huan)(do not like) (jiǎo)(zi)(dumplings)

() () (huan) (chī) (yòu) (suān) (yòu) (tián) (de) (táo) (zi)(I like to eat sour and sweet peach.)

Words grade2s are learning this month: 

(píng) (guǒ)🍎(apple) (xiāng) (jiāo)🍌(banana) ()🍐(pear) ()(zi)/(chéng)(zi)🍊(orange)
(méi)(berry) (cǎo)(méi)🍓(strawberry) (lán)(méi)(blueberry) 西()(guā)🍉(watermelon)
(táo)(zi)🍑(peach) ()(táo)🍇(grapes) (máng)(guǒ)🥭(mango) (yīng)(táo)🍒(cherry)
(jiǎo)(zi)🥟(dumplings) ()(fàn)🍚(rice) (miàn)(tiáo)(noodles) (tāng)🥣(soup)
(miàn)(bāo)🍞(bread) (sān)(míng)(zhì)🥪(sandwich) (tián)(sweet) (suān)(sour)

Jan.9 Gr.1 Homework

GR 1 Dictation words: de(my) de(your) hǎo(good) 新 xīnnián(New Year) (and)

Jan.9 Gr.2 Homework

GR 2 Dictation words and sentence: 
(xīn) (nián) (kuài) ()(Happy New Year) (chī)(eat) ()(drink) ()()(gift)
() () (huan) (chī) (píng) (guǒ) () ()(I like to eat apple and pear)

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