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Homework and Dictation 作业和听写

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nov. 5 Dictation

Hi everyone, 

I think many of you are confused with the dictation words for tomorrow. So here is the list of words that will be on the dictation (we are reviewing what we did last two weeks). 

Grade 1: 爸(dad),女(girl/female), 妈(mom), 男(male)

Grade 2: 爸(dad), 妈(mom), 姐(older sister), 哥(older brother),妹(younger sister),弟(younger brother),爷(grandpa),奶(grandma)

1)Library tomorrow 
2)Acorn Art is due back tomorrow
3)Please bring back your Mandarin homework 😊

Have a good night!

Ms. Fan

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