Kindergarten Learning resources 幼儿园学习资料

Friday, September 27, 2024

Learning update for Sept.23-27 九月二十三日至二十七日

 Sept.23-26 九月二十三日至二十六日

你好(nǐ hǎo) kindergarten friends and families,

Have an awesome long weekend, see you all next week! 周末愉快, 下周见!

Important Reminders重要提醒:

  1. No class on Monday, Sept.30下周一学生们不上课
  2. Monday/Wednesday class have school on Friday, Oct.4 下周五是周一/周三班上课。
  3. Our library book exchange is every Wednesday/Thursday. Your child brought home one book this week. Please return this book on or before Wednesday so that your child can sign out another book. 图书馆日是每周三/周四,请督促孩子看完书后及时还回学校以便借下周的书。

This week (Sept.16-20) 本周学了什么:


  • We continue to learn about how to greet in Mandarin (Hello-你好, Goodbye 再见)
  • We continue to say thank you and you’re welcome in Mandarin (Thank you 谢谢You are welcome 不客气)
  • We learned how to print three in Mandarin
  • We learned two new strokes in Mandarin 丿,捺
  • We continue to learn about counting in Mandarin (from 1-10 一,二,三,四,五, 六,七,八,九,十

 Here are the links to the songs and story:

  1. 撇捺歌 Mandarin strokes song:
  2. Hello song 你好歌
  3. Good bye song 再见歌:
  4. Number song 数字歌
  5. Thank you & You’re welcome song 谢谢/不客气歌
  6. Story: Counting from 1-10 从一数到十

English 英文

  • We are continuing to practice recognizing and printing our names.
  • This week, we focused on the sounds of the letters "s" and "t." (please see the videos I made below)
  • We read a book called “Harrison P Spader, personal space invader” and discussed the differences between personal space and general space
  • We discussed Orange Shirt Day and its meaning, then went outside to talk about things we find challenging, who we can ask for help, and what we are proud of.

Here are the links to the songs and learning videos:

  1. Letter s
  2. Letter t:
  3. Social Story: Harrison P Spader, personal space invader
  4. How to hold a pencil properly?
  5. Who is Orange shirt day:


  • We continue to practicing counting 1-10 and 10-1.
  • We practiced recognizing and representing quantities up to 10 using blocks and chains to show numbers from 1-10.
  • We read How Do Dinosaurs Count to 10 and used blocks to build our own dinosaurs' tails while showing the numbers 1-10.​​​​​​​

Here are the links to the songs and learning videos:

  1. Story: How do dinosaurs count to 10
  2. Counting song (from 1-10 and 10-1):

Have fun learning! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 😊

Ms.Fan 凡老师

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